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2,341 People Gesture Recognition Data in Online Conference Scenes

Human behavior data
Gesture recognition data set
Conference scene
Human behavior data collection

2,341 People Gesture Recognition Data in Meeting Scenes includes Asians, Caucasians, blacks, and browns, and the age is mainly young and middle-aged. It collects a variety of indoor office scenes, covering meeting rooms, coffee shops, libraries, bedrooms, etc. Each person collected 18 pictures and 2 videos. The pictures included 18 gestures such as clenching a fist with one hand and heart-to-heart with one hand, and the video included gestures such as clapping.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Data size
2,341 people, each person collects 2 videos and 18 images
Race distribution
786 Asians, 1,002 Caucasians, 401 black, 152 brown people
Gender distribution
1,209 males, 1,132 females
Age distribution
from teenagers to the elderly, mainly young and middle-aged
Collection environment
indoor office scenes, such as meeting rooms, coffee shops, libraries, bedrooms, etc.
Collection diversity
different gestures data, different races, different age groups, different meeting scenes
Collection equipment
cellphone, using the cellphone to simulate the perspective of laptop camera in online conference scenes
Collection content
collecting the  gestures data in online conference scenes
Data format
.mp4, .mov, .jpg
Accuracy rate
the accuracy exceeds 97% based on the accuracy of the actions; the accuracy of action naming is more than 97%
Sample Sample
  • 2,341 People Gesture Recognition Data in Online Conference Scenes
  • 2,341 People Gesture Recognition Data in Online Conference Scenes
  • 2,341 People Gesture Recognition Data in Online Conference Scenes
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multiple scenes 18 gestures 5 shooting angels multiple ages multiple light conditions gesture recognition 21 gestural landmarks annotation
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