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42 People - Chinese Mandarin Multi-emotional Synthesis Corpus


22 People - Chinese Mandarin Multi-emotional Synthesis Corpus. It is recorded by Chinese native speaker, covering different ages and genders. seven emotional text, and the syllables, phonemes and tones are balanced. Professional phonetician participates in the annotation. It precisely matches with the research and development needs of the speech synthesis.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
48,000Hz, 24bit, uncompressed wav, mono channel, The speaker (neutral emotional data) in the category1 directory is selected from the “100 People - Chinese Mandarin Average Tone Speech Synthesis Corpus, General”, with a bit depth of 16 bits; other data is unique to this project, with a bit depth of 24 bits
Recording environment
professional recording studio
Recording content
seven emotions (happiness, anger, sadness, surprise, fear, disgust)
42 persons, different age groups and genders
word and pinyin transcription, prosodic boundary annotation
Application scenarios
speech synthesis
The amount of data
The amount of data for per person is 140 minutes, each emotion is 20 minutes
Sample Sample
  • Audio

    警察局#1是#1你们家#1开的吗#3?这么#1嚣张#4!jing3 cha2 ju2 shi4 ni3 men5 jia1 kai1 de5 ma5 zhe4 me5 xiao1 zhang1

  • Audio

    我结婚#1两年#1被打#1三次#3,我害怕#4。wo3 jie2 hun1 liang3 nian2 bei4 da3 san1 ci4 wo3 hai4 pa4

  • Audio

    天空#1很高#3,风#1很清澈#3,从头#1到脚#3都#1快乐#4。tian1 kong1 hen3 gao1 feng1 hen3 qing1 che4 cong2 tou2 dao4 jiao3 dou1 kuai4 le4

  • Audio

    我#1真心的#1付出#3却#1不是#1你#1要的#1幸福#4。wo3 zhen1 xin1 de5 fu4 chu1 que4 bu2 shi4 ni3 yao4 de5 xing4 fu2

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