[{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Data size","value":"40 people, 48 videos and 150 groups (252 images) for each person"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Population distribution","value":"race distribution: Asian; gender distribution: 20 males, 20 females; age distribution: range from 18 to 57"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Collecting environment","value":"20 people in indoor scenes, 20 people in outdoor scenes"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Data diversity","value":"multiple devices, multiple actions, multiple facial postures, multiple anti-spoofing samples, multiple light conditions, multiple scenes"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Device","value":"cellphone, camera, iPhone of multiple models (iPhone X or more advanced iPhone models)"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Data format","value":".mp4, .mov, .jpg, .xml, .json"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Annotation content","value":"label the person ID, race, gender, age, scene, facial action, light condition"},{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"Accuracy","value":"based on the accuracy of the actions, the accuracy exceeds 97%; the accuracy of label annotation is not less than 97%"}]
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40 People – 3D&2D Living_Face & Anti_Spoofing Data
2D face recognition
3D face recognition
iPhone of multiple models
indoor scenes
outdoor scenes
multiple devices
multiple actions
multiple facial postures
multiple anti-spoofing
40 People – 3D&2D Living_Face & Anti_Spoofing Data. The collection scenes are indoor scenes and outdoor scenes. The dataset includes males and females, the age distribution is 18-57 years old. The device includes cellphone, camera, iPhone of multiple models (iPhone X or more advanced iPhone models). The data diversity includes multiple devices, multiple actions, multiple facial postures, multiple anti-spoofing samples, multiple light conditions, multiple scenes. This data can be used for tasks such as 2D Living_Face & Anti_Spoofing, 2D face recognition, 3D face recognition, 3D Living_Face & Anti_Spoofing.
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Data size
40 people, 48 videos and 150 groups (252 images) for each person
Population distribution
race distribution: Asian; gender distribution: 20 males, 20 females; age distribution: range from 18 to 57
Collecting environment
20 people in indoor scenes, 20 people in outdoor scenes