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47,811 Sentences - Intention Annotation Data in Interactive Scenes

intent annotation data
interactive intent annotation data
intent recognition
nlp intent recognition data
NLU data

Intent-like single-sentence annotated textual data, the data size is 47811 sentences, annotated with intent classes, including slot and slot value information; the intent field includes music, weather, date, schedule, home equipment, etc.; it is applied to intent recognition research and related fields.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Storage format
Data content
47,811 sentences of 16 domains, and each sentence is marked with intention
Manually write sentences for each intent type, and then mark the slot;
Accuracy Rate
Application scenario
intention understanding in speech interaction
Sample Sample
  • 47,811 Sentences - Intention Annotation Data in Interactive Scenes
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