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10.4 Hours - Chinese Mandarin Synthesis Corpus-Female, Customer Service

Synthesis Corpus
Customer Service

10.4 Hours - Chinese Mandarin Synthesis Corpus-Female, Customer Service, It is recorded by Chinese native speakers, with sweet voice. The phoneme coverage is balanced. Professional phonetician participates in the annotation. It precisely matches with the research and development needs of the speech synthesis.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
48,000Hz, 16bit, uncompressed wav, mono channel;
Recording environment
professional recording studio;
Recording content
9,286 sentences of customer service and dialogue text, and the syllables, phonemes and tones are balanced;
female, 20-30 years old, lively and sweet voice;
word and Pinyin transcription, four-level prosodic boundary annotation;
Application scenarios
speech synthesis.
Sample Sample
  • Audio

    我们的#1灭鼠夹#2弓力#1很强#3,请#1小心#1使用#4。wo3 men5 de5 #1 mie4 shu3 jia1 #2 gong1 li4 #1 hen3 qiang2 #3 qing6 #1 xiao3 xin1 #1 shi3 yong4 #4

  • Audio

    我们#1这里#1是#1可以#1抵押#1办理#1贷款的#3,你有#1需要吗#4?wo3 men5 #1 zhe4 li3 #1 shi4 #1 ke6 yi6 #1 di3 ya1 #1 ban4 li3 #1 dai4 kuan3 de5 #3 ni6 you3 #1 xu1 yao4 ma5 #4

  • Audio

    我们的#1衣服#1是#1纯纱#1制作的#3,夏天穿#2是很#1凉快的#4。wo3 men5 de5 #1 yi1 fu2 #1 shi4 #1 chun2 sha1 #1 zhi4 zuo4 de5 #3 xia4 tian1 chuan1 #2 shi4 hen3 #1 liang2 kuai4 de5 #4

  • Audio

    抱歉#3,哑铃#1是#1需要#2按重量#1计算#1邮费的#4。bao4 qian4 #3 ya3 ling2 #1 shi4 #1 xu1 yao4 #2 an4 zhong4 liang4 #1 ji4 suan4 #1 you2 fei4 de5 #4

  • Audio

    您的#1全家福#1照片#1已经#1出来了#3,尽快#1来拿吧#4。nin2 de5 #1 quan2 jia1 fu2 #1 zhao4 pian4 #1 yi3 jing1 #1 chu1 lai2 le5 #3 jin3 kuai4 #1 lai2 na2 ba1 #4

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