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Nexdata Attented 12th Gaogong Smart Car Developers Conference

From:Nexdata Date: 2024-04-07

From July 30 to July 31, 2021, the 12th Gaogong Smart Car Developers Conference organized by GGAI (Gaogong Automobile Intelligent) was held in Shanghai. Well-known experts, scholars, entrepreneurs, and investors from intelligent driving field at home and abroad participated in the conference to discuss the development trend of intelligent driving software and hardware technology, the future breakthrough path of intelligent driving, and the competitive landscape.

With the theme of “Intelligent Acceleration, Intelligent Driving Core Technology and Market Prospects”, the conference consists of several special lectures, roundtable discussions and exhibition.

Make Intelligent Driving Easier with High-Quality Data

He Hongling, CTO and Vice President of Nexdata, delivered speech in the conference.

He Hongling, CTO and Vice President of Nexdata, was invited to participate in this conference and delivered a keynote speech “Make Intelligent Driving Easier with High-quality Data ”. He introduced the importance of data for intelligent driving, Nexdata’s intelligent driving solutions, and the self-developed data labeling platform “Data⁺⁺”.

Mr. He pointed out in his speech that two-wheel drive of algorithms and data is an important weapon to realize more mature intelligent driving technology. Improving the performance of AI models needs a large amount of high-quality, multi-scenario, and multi-dimensional data. With the development of intelligent driving technology, the gap in algorithms will gradually shrink, and the role of data will continue to expand and become an important factor affecting the level of intelligent driving technology.

Intelligent Driving AI Data Solutions

Focusing on the theme of “Data-Driven Intelligence”, Mr. He introduced Nexdata’s AI data solutions for intelligent driving scenarios from three aspects: in-cabin voice interaction, in-cabin visual perception, and outside-cabin multi-sensor fusion perception.

In-Cabin Voice Interaction

In driving scenarios, in-cabin voice interaction solutions can help drivers and passengers communicate with smart devices through voice without barriers, making safer driving experience and smart vehicles.

In-Cabin Visual Perception

Nexdata’s in-cabin visual perception solutions allows AI to accurately identify and analyze the identity information, intentions and behaviors of drivers and passengers. It allows users to send instructions through gestures, and interact with the on-board smart devices without touch, creating a more user-friendly driving experience.

Outside-Cabin Multi-Sensor Fusion Perception

Nexdata provides multi-sensor data collection services, and supports 2D, 3D, 2D-3D fusion data labeling through self-developed data labeling platform. The data solution gives intelligent cars a pair of “eyes” and helps intelligent cars quickly complete the whole process of perception-information processing-decision-making.

Nexdata helps customers to improve the AI model of intelligent driving through high-quality training data, so as to create a safer and more comfortable driving experience and improve customers’ competitiveness in the intelligent driving track.

Data Labeling Platform “Data⁺⁺”

As a masterpiece of Nexdata’s data labeling experience, Data⁺⁺ integrates external plug-ins such as data processing, automatic labeling, and machine aid quality inspection. It supports diverse deployment forms and has convenient interfaces for rapid deployment and integration.

For different labeling tasks for each data type, Nexdata has developed more than forty labeling template tools, all of which have been polished and tested for years, to meet the sophisticated needs of voice, image, text, video, and point cloud.

With a variety of template tools, flexible coordination of manpower and algorithms, and professional data services, Nexdata will continue to spare no efforts to complete customers’ data processing tasks.


If you need data services, please feel free to contact us: [email protected]
