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Autonomous Driving Speech Data Solutions

From:Nexdata Date: 2024-04-02

The Challenge

In response to the rapid growth of the autonomous driving industry, the company faced the daunting task of developing more than 20 types of multilingual speech recognition data. As automakers grappled with the increasing demand for industry content, the in-cabin voice recognition system emerged as a major concern among vehicle owners. Implementing localization of in-vehicle systems became an imperative challenge for global automakers due to the intricate nature of multiple languages. Handling and managing the vast amounts of linguistic data proved to be a formidable hurdle for car company teams. Furthermore, they needed to ensure accurate voice collection in diverse driving environments while capturing the nuances of language content, including weather conditions, road types, and various driving scenarios. With the car company's engineering team lacking the necessary language expertise, the collection of speech data had to be entrusted to a technology company proficient in AI data annotation services.



As an established automotive solution provider with years of experience, we offer comprehensive AI data annotation services tailored to localized data collection, testing, and validation. Our professional team collaborates directly with automotive engineering teams to implement and optimize solutions that meet the high-quality training data requirements for all target languages. Leveraging our extensive resources, we have the capability to recruit alarge pool of local native speakers who can proficiently record various environmental languages, ensuring a guaranteed output of data quality and quantity.


To enhance the accuracy and naturalness of speech in driver command scenarios, our professional Text-to-Speech (TTS) service provides evaluation services during the data collection process. This ensures that the speech data meets the desired standards and aligns with the specific requirements of the in-cabin voice recognition system.


Moreover, drawing upon our extensive industry experience in autonomous driving, we have assembled a dedicated language team and established an AI intelligence center. These resources enable us to provide comprehensive professional guidance throughout the implementation process, ensuring language expertise, effective localization, and other multifaceted capabilities. We maintain consistency with various language standards, balancing the output results of all training data. This support enables all team members to seamlessly handle the substantial localization workload.



Through our AI data annotation services, the car manufacturer's team benefited from efficient and accurate data collection and annotation processes. Our professional team worked closely with their engineers, ensuring the collection of high-quality training data for their in-cabin voice recognition system. The expertise of our language team and AI intelligence center played a crucial role in navigating the complexities of multiple languages, ensuring accurate localization, and maintaining language standards.
