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17,561 Images of Primary School Mathematics Papers

Primary School Mathematics Papers
multiple types of questions (Vertical calculation
Horizontal calculation
Recursive calculation
Solving equation
multiple types of test papers (math workbooks
test papers
competition test questions
multiple grades

17,561 Images of Primary School Mathematics Papers Collection Data. The data background is pure color. The data covers multiple question types, multiple types of test papers (math workbooks, test papers, competition test papers, etc.) and multiple grades. The data can be used for tasks such as intelligent scoring and homework guidance for primary school students.

Paid Datasets
This is a paid datasets for commercial use, research purpose and more. Licensed ready made datasets help jump-start AI projects.
Data size
17,561 images, 20 types of questions
pure color background
multiple question types, multiple types of test papers (math workbooks, test papers, competition test papers, etc.), multiple grades
mobile phone, the resolution is not less than 2 megapixels (to ensure the texts are clear)
Data content
20 types of questions of Horizontal calculation, Approximate calculation, Quantity comparison calculation, Unit conversion and comparison, Operation symbol filling, Equation filling, Continuous equation filling, Conversion and calculation equation of unit of measurement, Conversion and comparison of unit of measurement, Vertical calculation, Recursive calculation, Solving equation, Fill-in-the-blanks question, True-or-false question, Choice question, Math word problem solving, Fill-in-the-blanks on the form question, Matching, Image identification, Others
the accuracies of collection and classification of question types are not less than 97%
Sample Sample
  • 17,561 Images of Primary School Mathematics Papers
  • 17,561 Images of Primary School Mathematics Papers
  • 17,561 Images of Primary School Mathematics Papers
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